Book your next trip
cruise to Mount Athos

Itinerary of approximately one hour, which offers the opportunity to discover these sacred sites and tour the monasteries.
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- Ormos Panagias
Motivational trip

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- Vourvourou
Adventure excursion

Engaging in nature is something that helps us maintain our physical condition, come into contact with nature, escape the routine of everyday life and experience the sense of freedom.
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- Ormos Panagias

The Ormos Travel agency has been active in the field since 1999.
It specializes in cruises around Agion Oros (the Holy Mount) and also in nearby excursions with small boats to the small islands of the area for swimming, fun as well as relaxation.
Thank you for choosing us and we continue to serve you with quality, style, innovation and competitive prices.
High quality services
Yacht & Boat rentals
Rend a yacht or boat and discover even more of Halkidiki!
Issuing tickets for Mt. Athos and Diaporos island.
Car rental
Rent a car and plan your own trip in Halkidiki!
Accommodation options of any type.
Special Package Discover the secrets of Halkidiki

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